Friday, July 27, 2012

Baby sleep

I think second babies are often calmer because the parents are calmer and because they have less time to respond to every peep.  Our new pediatrician, whom I love because they actually give baby care advice beyond basic medical stuff, has really helped me better deal with Mabel's fussy times.  With Penny, I was totally on my own to figure out what to do about fussiness and sleep.  So I ended up falling into the attachment parenting trap, which sounds like the most sensible, kindest way to raise kids, but is actually impossible for a working mom without a village of helpers, and piles huge amounts of guilt on you when you inevitably fail.  I'm pretty mad about it now, and strongly recommend against it.  

Anyway, our new doctor said from the beginning, when the baby gets to 2 or 3 weeks old she'll get fussier at night.  If she's not interested in eating or cuddling, PUT HER DOWN and let her cry for 5 minutes.  Sometimes babies just need to let off some steam before they can fall asleep.  Attachment parenting advocates would call you cruel for doing this, so I never did it with Penny.  But Mabel now goes to sleep with much less fussing than Penny ever did, can fall asleep on her own, and is a generally happier baby.  She has learned to calm herself already, something that Penny still isn't very good at :). On the other hand, I also believe that Mabel was born calmer, and more ready to learn that.

That's a long way of saying personality does have a lot to do with it, but a little more laid back parenting, with less jumping up at every whimper, can also encourage a calmer baby.  And I think twins probably force you to let things go a little.

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