Friday, July 27, 2012

Hospital and nursing clothing

As for the hospital, they say to bring clothes that you wore when you were 5 months pregnant.  I think that's a fair suggestion, except that those clothes are usually no longer seasonally appropriate.  I recommend loose yoga pants in dark colors.  Or, really, maternity pants.  I wore my maternity jeans for a couple months, as depressing as that sounds.  But it's really the most reasonable thing to do.  It will feel REALLY GOOD to get into normal clothes after wearing hospital gowns for however long you're wearing them in labor/pre-post-labor-shower (pack flip flops and nice shampoo and soap for that shower, it's the best shower in the history of showers).  So bring clothes that you like and that make you feel like you.  Soft, stretchy ones.  But dark clothes because post-labor is messy.  And some loose shirts.  Tight belly-showing things become a whole lot less cute after there are no more babies in there.  

Now, hospital-wise, you really don't have to worry too much about nursing modesty.  After delivering a baby (or two) there's really no modesty left, and the hospital is not the place to re-find it.  You just pull your boobs out and try to figure the nursing part out.  So, either a shirt that opens in the front or has a stretchy neck or is easy to pull up.  The nursing tops with the slit under the boob area are for later (if ever).  You don't want to be wrestling with a nursing shirt in addition to the babies and the boob. Expect to be showing a whole lot of naked boob while your'e still in the hospital, and really, when you're home too.  It's so much easier.  But do bring the nursing bras to the hospital.  They are actually nice to have.

Once you get the hang of nursing, you can try getting those shirts with special openings and stuff, for when you're nursing in public.  I never got those because they're almost always ugly and they really don't keep you all that covered anyway.  What I did was buy a few really big stretchy baggy shirts.  These do double duty of hiding your belly and acting as a little nursing tent.  You can just pull the whole shirt over the baby and everybody's happy.  If you wear a stretchy tank top underneath, you can pull that up and cover the top of your boobs in case the tent opens too far.  Also, a few loose button-down shirts.  Also, those anais swaddle blankets are big enough to tie up opposite corners and use as a nursing cover. 

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